Wonder Woman was relaunched last week with a brand new issue #1, and a brand new character filling out the star spangled bathing suit and tiara.
Donna Troy, whom many comic fans knew as Wonder Girl, is taking over for the original Wonder Woman, Diana, who is MIA.
Most of the time, you are not supposed to mess with the original. I mean, do you ever see Superman as anyone but Clark Kent?
However, this turn of events has me a little excited. First of all, Allen Heinberg is writing the comic. For those of you who do not recognoze the name, Mr. Heinberg wrote for 'Sex and the City.' That is one of my favorite shows.
In the last few years, Donna has been a little more down to earth than Diana, and her occupation as a fashion photographer lends her to very SITC type writing. She is kind of the Carrie Bradshaw of the DCU. Can't you just imagine, Donna, Supergirl, Lightening Lass and Batgirl dishing men and penis envy over coffee?
There are many complaints about this turn of events, Diana being the only True Wonder Woman, and all that. I say as long as the story is good, why complain. DC Comics is not going to mess with an icon too much, and I am sure Diana will return as Wonder Woman in the not too distant future. Besides, Diana's mother Hippolyta, and another amazon by the name of Artemis have assumed the role at one time or another. (Not to mention Orana, the forgotten Pre-Crisis Redheaded Wonder Woman.)
It's about time she assumes the mantle of Wonder Woman, I hope she gets 'The Respect She Deserves.'