Friday, January 06, 2006

Go Fish

One thing you get used to with a birthday that falls between Thanksgiving and Christmas is the fact that it tends to get lost in the shuffle. If you recall from my Birthday Post, I had a great one this year, even though I was away from Tom. I had a cocktail party thrown in my honor as well as the rest of the stuff I won't bother recapping here.
So it was quite the surprise when I got to work today to find a tiara and wand on my desk, along with a card from all my coworkers. Several people were out of the office on my birthday and they wanted to make it up to me, along with Jackie and Sean, whose birthdays also fall into that nebulous Tween The Holidays area.
We each got a card and were treated to lunch at this fantastic little hole in the wall diner. On top of that, our boss, Ed let us take the afternoon off to go and see Brokeback Mountain, as it just opened here. I won't give my review here, suffice it to say I Loved It. I don't recommend seeing it with your entire office, but I am glad I was with a group of people.
After the picture, we went back to the office for cake, and I wore my tiara at my desk for the hour or two I stayed to work, which ended up being even more embarassing, as I forgot it was on when I went to the men's room. The wand must have been faulty, as
We felt very taken care of, and it came at a time when my ego needed stroking a little.

1 comment:

potusol said...

You mean you don't wear a tiara at all times? : )