Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Write Stuff

There is someone out there I promised a post to last week and never got around to it. This is for you.

As bad as I am about updating, this seems to be a record and would indicate to you, my faithful reader(s) (I think there are two of you) that I have given up on writing. Quite the contrary. You see, in the past month, I have been offered some semi-professional assignments: professional, in that the pieces will end up in hard copy and web based publications, semi, in that there is little or no pay to any of them.

My first and most important assignment is for ForeWord magazine, a quarterly periodical aimed at bookselling and library professionals. I am very excited and nervous about this one. I have gone through several drafts and nothing seems right. I shall post the result after it is published.

I won't go into details on the next few assignments, but rest assured, I am writing. It just takes so much effort that by the time I get to the blog, I have run out of words.

That, and spending a weekend with Tommy Chong...more on that later

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